Emerge's Bits & Bytes: November 2024
We can't believe it's already the end of November! This month we hit a few exciting milestones:
- Processed over 3,000,000 mobile builds 🎉
- Reached our 10,000th pull request 🙌
And all within our 4 years of existence and 9 employees 🤯 Thanks for coming along on this journey, we couldn't do it without you!
What we're building
☠️ Reaper CompareWe’ve been working hard to improve Reaper this month! We added a new way to compare Reaper results that should help better surface insights, so now you can analyze undetected code across different builds.
We’ve also released v1.5 of Reaper iOS which now covers all non-generic Swift Classes, all Obj-C classes, and a subset of structs and enums.
📧 Build distribution alertsEmail and slack alerts are now available for build distribution! Alerts will notify you when a new installable build download is available, including repo + git info. You can configure alerts in Organization Settings under the "Alerting" tab.
Our new version of order files works in a single step, which means there’s no need to upload multiple builds before getting a working order file. In one case, a single upload reduced page faults by 7x! (refresher on Order Files 🚀)
📸 Snapshot glossaryWe added a new filter and glossary sidebar for Snapshots, so now you can easily filter snapshots by badge or sift through a full glossary of snapshot previews.
Our brand new framework explorer lets you discover what apps are using different dynamic frameworks. You can sort the list of apps by name, category, or number of frameworks, or you can search for a specific framework and see which apps have it in common. Check it out! 🤩
What we're writing
📞 Calling Hidden Swift FunctionsWe explain how to uncover and use undocumented SwiftUI functions by analyzing system files and leveraging Swift's demangling tools.
What we're reading
- FBDetect: Catching Tiny Performance Regressions at Hyperscale through In-Production Monitoring
- Reverse Engineering iOS 18 Inactivity Reboot
- Google’s Screenshot Testing Best Practices
App finds of the month
Yelp iOSThis month, we were called to analyze app size for a few different apps, including the Yelp iOS app coming in at 314 MB. Check out the full thread on Twitter or Thread Reader.
For our third round in the “Guess the App” series, see whether you can decipher these clues for an app you might get excited about once you're over 30 🕵️♂️
Lastly, Happy Thanksgiving from Emerge 🍽️🦃
Hope everyone enjoyed these Bits and Bytes ❤️